SL 7.2 Student life, student organizations (H-Z)

This volume had oversized materials that were removed and cataloged in a separate record titled SL 7.2 Student life, student organizations (H-Z) — oversize.
Creation: approximately 1929-2001 Inclusive date(s)
1 volumes
A volume of photographs, as well as negatives, photocopies, clippings, and documents, with images depicting St. Olaf College student organizations. Dividers in the binder are labeled "News Bureau | Photo Collection | Hall Council | 1988-", "Bureau | Collection | Honor Council", "News Bureau | Photo Collection | Juggling Club", "Junior Class League | Photo Collection", "News | Bureau | Photo | Collection | KSTO Radio Station | 1956-1959", "News Bureau | Photo Collection | Manitou Messenger Staff", "Photograph Collection | Messenger Staff | 1929-", "News Bureau | Photo Collection | Student Life - Student Organizations | Miscellaneous | 1973-", "News Bureau | Photo Collection | Student Organizations Committee | (SOC)", "News Bureau | Photo Collection | Viking Staff", "News Bureau | Photo Collection | Wellness Committee", and "News Bureau | Photo Collection | Women's League | 1974-".
Photographic Albums
Archives Vault ➔ R27 D3 S2 ➔ St. Olaf College general photograph collection. US-MnNS-0197. Box 41
Jessen, Jill A. (photographer)
Arnold, Chad (photographer)
Pelecis, Mara (photographer)
Chamberlin (creator)
Student Organizations (related)
Manitou Messenger (related)
KSTO (Radio Station : St. Olaf college) (related)
St. Olaf College. Women's League (related)
Viking Yearbook Staff (related)
Juggling Club (related)
negatives (photographs)
clippings (information artifacts)
documents (object genre)