St. Olaf College music organizations artifacts ➔ Bratislava ceramic vase

Other: June 11, 2001 Single
1 items
A white ceramic vase with a wide body, narrow neck, and painted brown decorations along the middle. "Bratislava | 11.6.2001" is written in brown along the center. A typed note taped to the bottom reads, "Given by Ivana Sabanošová '02 | Partizánske, Slovakia | on the occasion of the | St. Olaf Choir's performance | in Bratislava · June 11, 2001".
Archives Work Area ➔ 250J
Archives Work Area ➔ 250H

Sabanošová, Ivana (related)
St. Olaf Choir (St. Olaf College) (related)
flower vases
ceramic (material)