St. Olaf College music organizations artifacts ➔ Clan of the Hawks Operation Iraqi Freedom plaque

Other: May 5, 2007 Single
1 items
A rectangular wood plaque with a certificate labeled "Operation Iraqi Freedom | Certificate of Appreciation" given to Saint Olaf College Records. The plaque recognizes the "desire and efforts to support the American troops deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom" for the "soldiers of the 3rd Battalion, 297th Infantry Regiment of the Alaska Army National Guard". The certificate is signed by the Infantry Major and Command Sergeant Major. Two grooves are present on the back for hanging.
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The certificate reads, in full, "CLAN OF THE HAWKS | SETTING THE STANDARD | Operation Iraqi Freedom | Certificate of Appreciation | is awarded to | St. Olaf Records | Your desire and efforts to support the American troops deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom have made | instrumental impact on the soldiers of the 3rd Battalion, 297th Infantry Regiment of the Alaska Army | National Guard. Your tireless effort had a direct impact on the moral, spirits, and pride of the Arctic Warriors. | Your selfless service supporting the troops shows tremendous dedication to the soldiers of the United States military. | We thank you and salute you for your untiring support of our American troops serving in harms way. | In witness whereof, this testimonial of military and personal gratitude is given under the hand of the Alaska Army | National Guard, and duly attested by the undersigned, at Camp Buehring, Kuwait, | this 5th Day of May 2007."

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