WCAL 3D object collection ➔ 1974 Minnesota Education Association school bell award

Other: 1974 Single
1 items
A square wooden plaque with a white tile in the center has a gold image of a handbell and the text "The Minnesota Education | Association | SCHOOL BELL | AWARD | RADIO | PRESS | TELEVISION | 74 | MEA". A space for a metal plaque is below, marked by discoloration in the wood, but is missing. Green velvet is on the back of the plaque, and there is a hole for hanging. A sticker on the back reads "DESIGNED BY | OKT | Colson | CALENDAR HILL | CINCINNATI | OHIO| 45206".
Room 3.5 ➔ R1 D9 S2 ➔ St. Olaf College WCAL Radio Station Records. US-MnNS-049. Box 139
Archives Work Area ➔ 250J
Archives Work Area ➔ 250H

Minnesota Education Association (related)
Education--Awards--United States
commemorative plaques