Pitch pipes and accessories

3-D objects ➔ Pitch pipes and accessories

Usage: likely 1912-1943 Single
24 items
Single and sets of pitch pipes, a small pitch pipe case, and one metal piece with an unknown use. Of the 19 single-pitch pipes, 14 are labeled (either with handwriting on tape or engraved letters on the pitch pipes), and five are unidentified. There are three sets of pitch pipes; one has four pitch pipes and is broken, one has three, and another has two. The pitch pipes are metal or black plastic with metal interiors. Wear and adhesive residue are visible on some of the pitch pipes.
Archives Vault ➔ R35 D1 S1 ➔ F. Melius Christiansen Papers. US-MnNS-0050. Box 28
Archives Work Area ➔ 250G

Christiansen, F. Melius (Fredrik Melius), 1871-1955 (related)
pitch pipes