St. Olaf College 3D object collection ➔ Birch ale bowl

Wooden Handicrafts
1 items
Birch ale bowl with a black Norwegian inscription on the outer rim: "Korn nabo set dig I Godt lag og Drikk saa efter dit behag" ("Come neighbor sit with good company and drink to your satisfaction"). The inscription includes the name Arndt I Rostvold, likely the name of the bowl's original owner. The outer rim is concave and painted gold, with a black line beneath the inscription that separates it from the bowl's body.
Archives Work Area ➔ 270 D
"Drinking vessel of bowl type (olbolle) with black inscription on outer rim: Korn nabo set dig .I Godt lag og Drikk saa efter dit behag (trans: Come neighbor sit with good company and drink to your satisfaction). The inscription includes the name Arndt I Rostvold, probably the name of the original owner of the bowl. The outer rim is concave and painted gold, with a black line beneath the inscription that separates it from the body of the bowl. Item number 1562 with a label that reads: A.O. SERUM HALSTAD MINN The bottom of the exterior bears an upper case A that is carved into the surface. The material appears to be "tnasurbjerk", the root of a birch tree." - Description from 2006 appraisal by Mary Jo Thorsheim

Serum, A. O. (donor)
drinking bowls
bowls (vessels)