St. Olaf College 3D object collection ➔ Wooden spoon used for making goat cheese

Wooden Handicrafts
Usage: 1852 Single
1 items
Large wooden spoon with curved handle and "hook" near the end. A label on the spoon reads, "This 'primost' spoon was brought to America from Hallingdal(,) Norway, in the year 1852 by the parents of Mrs. Levia Ingbertson of Northfield, Minn., namely Knudt and Barbo Synstegaard, who became pioneer farmers, near Orfordville, Rock Co. Wis."
Archives Work Area ➔ 270 D
"Spoon ("skje") used for making the "prim0st" type of goat cheese. Label: This "prim0st" spoon was brought to America from Hallingdal Norway in the year 1852 by the parents of Mrs. Levia Ingbertson of Northfield, Minn., namely Knudt and Babro Synstegaard, who became pioneer farmers near Orfordville, Rock Co. Wis." -Description from 2006 appraisal by Mary Jo Thorsheim

Synstegard, Barbra (owner)
Synstegard, Knut K. (owner)
Ingbertson, Mrs. Levia (donor)
mixing spoons