St. Olaf College 3D object collection ➔ Austrian made china plate with a picture of Old Main

Creation: early 1900s Single
1 items
A white ceramic plate featuring Old Main in the center, golden floral glaze on the rim, and two handles. The bottom of the plate reads, "Made in Austria for J.C. & F.J. Couper | Northfield, Minn."
Archives Work Area ➔ 270 D
On Display ➔ Rolvaag Library Reference Room
It is probable that the plate belonged to Melvin C. Larson, Class of 1911. The plate was gifted on February 14, 1974, and has since been a part of three different exhibits. The first exhibit was the Centennial exhibit, which was held at the library from October 23 to November 13, 1978. The second exhibit was the Old Main Renovation exhibit, held at the library in February 1983. Finally, the plate was put on display in the Northfield Historical Society's "Old Main and Main Street" exhibit from May to June 1983.

Larson, Emilie (donor)
J.C. & F.J. Couper (related)
decorative plates