St. Olaf College 3D object collection ➔ St Olaf College sterling silver spoon

Creation: 1915 Single
1 items
A sterling silver spoon with an image of Old Main engraved on the end of the handle, along with "NORTHFIELD | MINN" and "ST OLAF | COLLEGE". Stamped on the back of the handle is a hallmark consisting of a crown, "W", and a lion symbol, along with "STERLING". Some wear and oxidation are visible.
Archives Work Area ➔ 250J
This silver tea spoon was donated in 1976 by Ane Nielsen, daughter of Gusta T. Nielsen. Her father worked at Saint Olaf College from 1915 to 1916 and acquired the spoon at that time. The manufacturer of the spoon is likely Wilcox & Wagoner.

Nielsen, Ane (donor)
Nielsen, Gusta T. (related)