St. Olaf College 3D object collection ➔ Silver tea service set belonging to the Mohn family

Creation: August 17, 1899 Single
6 items
Six silver pieces comprising a tea service set. The largest piece is a spirit kettle with a wooden handle and hinged lid. There are four notches on the sides for the kettle to sit on a burner. The spirit burner is included in the set and features the stand for the kettle as well as the actual burner. Also included with the set is a smaller tea/coffee pot with a wooden handle on the side. The set additionally features one silver cream jug and two sugar bowls, one with a lid and handles and one without. All items in the set are adorned with a decorative pattern around the rims and bases. The artifacts are inscribed on the sides and read, "To President and Mrs. Th. N. Mohn From Northfield Friends(,) August 1899." The bottoms of the artifacts have the same maker's marks which feature a lion.
Archives Work Area ➔ 270 D

Mohn, Thorbjørn Nelson, 1844-1899 (owner)
Spear, Margaret Mohn (donor)
Mohn (Family : Mohn, Thorbjørn, 1844-1899) (owner)
silver (metal)
spirit burners
kettles (vessels)
sugar bowls