St. Olaf College 3D object collection ➔ Norwegian silver spoon

Creation: 1869 Single
1 items
Large Norwegian silver spoon with significant tarnishing. The bottom of the spoon reads, "WESSMAN" and has the year "1869".
Archives Work Area ➔ 270 D
Large-sized spoon, its history:  Engraved on the back "vei premie"  (road prize).  Someone in the family (father, grandfather?) of Grandmother Mohn (Anna Elizabeth Ringstad Mohn) who farmed in Norway was awarded the prize given by the king for doing the best job of keeping the highway that abutted upon his property in better condition than any other stretch of road maintained by the other farmers.  At that time it was the responsibility of the farmers to keep main roads open and in condition for safe and comfortable travel, each farmer responsible for the stretch of highway upon which his property abutted. -Handwritten note with spoon. The description does not seem to match the physical characteristics of the artifact.

Magnus Samuel Wessman (creator)
silver (metal)
serving spoons