St. Olaf College 3D object collection ➔ Leather belt with St. Olaf buckle belonging to George Appleseth

Usage: 1951 Single
1 items
A leather belt with a golden buckle adorned with the St. Olaf College crest. The buckle has floral engravings and reads, "ST. OLAF" in black and gold. The Kinney Co. produced it out of Providence, RI. The belt is a size 32, and the phrase "Premium Cowhide Hand-Stained" is stamped into the leather. There is moderate oxidation on the metal segments of the belt.
Archives Work Area ➔ 270 D
Archives Work Area ➔ 250K

Appleseth, George (owner)
Menning, Dee (donor)
The Kinney Co. (creator)
trouser belts
belt buckles