St. Olaf College 3D object collection ➔ Handstitched wall hanging

Creation: 1982 Single
1 items
A gold, black, and red wall hanging with the Saint Olaf College lion in the center and "fram fram" below. Small red crosses fill the background with a black wavy border on the top and bottom. In the bottom right corner is a red "MCG 1982". The back consists of red fabric with a white label towards the bottom that reads, "Designed and Stitched by Marjorie Hjelmervik Gamble '30". Seven small metal circles are sewn on the top of the back, and the bottom is weighted. The hanging is made of cotton yarn and exhibits warping.
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This wall hanging was created by Marjorie Hjelmervik Gamble and donated by the Saint Olaf College Alumni and Parent Relations Office in 2011.

Gamble, Marjorie Hjelmervik (creator)
wall hangings