St. Olaf College 3D object collection ➔ St. Olaf Mathematics shirt

Other: 1999-2000 Single
1 items
A long sleeve, green shirt with a Saint Olaf College lion on the front with the text "1999" and "2000" beside it, and "St. Olaf | Mathematics" underneath. White text on the back reads, "Top Ten Reasons to be a Math Major in the New Millennium | 10. OMH will be renamed Archaic Music Hall | 9. ♥ and ★'s will become the official variables in the 20th Ed. of the OZ calculus book | 8. Another 20,000 colloquia; another 200 baseball talks, thanks to Richey | 7. All sequences will converge, all functions will be continuous, and all subgroups will be normal | 6. Humke will send everyone to "virtual" boards | 5. The probability that the faculty win the Pig Roast softball game may be > 0 | 4. The AMCL machines might work by 2025 | 3. Vessey will still be teaching | 2. Calculus will still be calculus, but ERA will be easy! | 1. The natural log will petrify".
Archives Work Area ➔ 250J
Archives Work Area ➔ 250K

Sutherland, Jacob (donor)
St. Olaf College. Department of Mathematics (related)
shirts (main garments)