St. Olaf College 3D object collection ➔ Black and grey band uniform

Usage: 1909 Single
2 items
A wool band uniform, including a black jacket and grey pants. Gold embroidery decorates the shoulders of the jacket, with black velvet cuffs and faded embroidery along the trim. The label reads, "...HENDERSON AMES CO. KALAMAZOO, MICH MILITARY AND SOCIETY GOODS [?]". The pants have black stripes on the sides, with button closures and buttons along the waistline that read, "HENDERSON-AMES CO." Some fraying and wear are visible in various areas on both pieces.
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Archives Work Area ➔ 250K
This band uniform was donated by Karen Smith and Clarice Moilien, nieces of Oscar Moilien. Oscar was a 1912 Saint Olaf College graduate who went on the Saint Olaf College Band's Alaska-Yukon Exposition Tour of 1909.

Moilien, Clarice (donor)
Smith, Karen (donor)
Moilien, Oscar (related)
Henderson-Ames Co. (creator)
St. Olaf Band (related)