St. Olaf College 3D object collection ➔ Gold and brown St. Olaf pillow

Creation: undated Single
1 items
Large gold pillow with brown braiding along the edges and embroidery on the front that reads, "Fram | Fram | ST. OLAF | CHRISTMENN | CROSSMENN" (Forward | Forward | ST. OLAF | MEN OF CHRIST | MEN OF THE CROSS). The pillow exhibits some stains, a tear and a small hole on the back, loose braiding, and fading.
Archives Work Area ➔ 250J
Archives Work Area ➔ 250K
This pillow was donated by Cynthia Olson Ohlrogge, whose grandparents owned it. The names of her grandparents are unknown, but they reportedly were Saint Olaf students in the 1890s. It is known that one of her grandparents, Julia Bergitte Skreen, graduated from the St. Olaf Academy in 1898.

Ohlrogge, Cynthia Louise (donor)
throw pillows