St. Olaf College 3D object collection ➔ Elise Ytterboe's radio set

Radio Equipment
Usage: 1920s Single
2 items
A crystal radio set including a base and headphones. The black base consists of a wood block, metal elements on top, and tape wrapped around the sides. Engravings on three of the metal components read "AHWESTOC [?]" and "..APR230 | CAMNESTOCK [?]". The headphones have two cloth bands that connect silver and black earcups. Extending cords are covered with fabric and exhibit some fraying. "TRADE PAL MARK | PAT.PENDING | MADE IN U.S.A." is impressed on the back of each earcup. Some parts may be missing, and age and wear are visible.
Archives Work Area ➔ 250J
This crystal radio set belonged to Mrs. Elise Ytterboe in the 1920s. It was found in the attic of the Ytterboe house on St. Olaf Avenue and donated in the 1980s by Brunhild Tetlie Sather and Palmer Sather, Elise Ytterboe's granddaughter and her spouse.

Ytterboe, Elise, 1863-1944 (related)
Sather, Palmer (donor)
Sather, Brunhild Tetlie (donor)
crystal radio