St. Olaf College 3D object collection ➔ Chandler & Price Pilot press

Printing Press
Creation: circa 1892-1897 Single
1 items
A lever-operated iron printing press with a clamshell-style platen, "CHANDLER & PRICE | CLEVELAND OHIO" on the front and "STANDARD, NO. 2." on the back. The main components of the press include a wooden feeding table, disc, roller, platen, and lever. The press is in good condition and, apart from the rollers, consists of original parts.
A display label with the press reads, "Believed to be St. Olaf's first printing press, this clamshell was used from the 1890s through the early part of the twentieth century. It would have provided the only on-site printing service available for creating fliers and programs for campus events in the College's early years." There is no accession information available to confirm this. The printing press was fully restored in 2023, and a volume (2023.009.1232) was created containing research on the press and related printing accessories. The documented research revealed the following: "The No. 2 Standard Job Press was originally manufactured by Henry H. Thorp of the Cleveland Type | Foundry (CTF), starting around 1876. The Cleveland Type Foundry was absorbed into the American | Type Founders (ATF) in 1892, and the designs for its presses were acquired by Chandler & Price | (founded in Cleveland by Harrison T. Chandler and William H. Price in 1886). According to | Elizabeth Harris in her book The Small Printing Press in Nineteenth-Century America, "terms | apparently remained agreeable between the two companies [of Thorp and C&P], Chandler & Price | supplying parts for the Thorp presses for many years" (2004, pg. 175). | Chandler & Price renamed this model of press to the C&P "Pilot," appearing as such in their 1892 and | 1897 advertisements (Harris writes that the Pilot was introduced "ca. 1890"), although it still appears | as the "No. 2 Standard" press in the CTF catalog of 1895. We can thus date our press to ca. | 1892-1897. In this period, according to sales catalogs, a CTF/C&P Standard No. 2 Press cost $35."

Chandler & Price (creator)
Printing presses
printing presses