St. Olaf College 3D object collection ➔ Kodak portrait film from student ID project

Film strip
Usage: 1960s Single
6 film reels
Six cases of 35mm Kodak Plus-X Portrait film. The film is stored inside a tin canister in yellow cardboard boxes. The six rolls of film have a combined length of around 600 feet. The boxes are dated from March 1964 to June 1967.
Archives Work Area ➔ 270 D
A September 14, 1965 receipt shows that St. Olaf College paid for 240 feet of film and 3,164 prints for a total of $204.24.

St. Olaf College. Office of the Registrar (donor)
film reels
film canisters
photographic film (photographic materials)
safety film
black-and-white film (film, material)