St. Olaf College 3D object collection ➔ Wooden type cases

Creation: undated Single
10 items
Ten wooden type cases or drawers with divisions to separate metal type. Some cases show handwritten text describing compartments and drawer contents. Two cases have metal handles and are labeled on the front with black lettering that reads "BEST SIX CORD" and "J. & P. COATS'. Seven cases have a slight lip on the front for pulling.
According to an informational binder (2023.009.1232) created after the refurbishing of the drawers and other printing accessories in 2023, the two drawers marked "J. & P. COATS'" and ""BEST SIX CORD"" were previously sewing drawers that were repurposed from a J. P. Coats thread spool cabinet that was made around 1890. One drawer is a repurposed wooden drawer without compartments; the rest are either California Job Cases with lips or Triple-Cap Cases with lips.

J. & P. Coats (creator)
Roller printing (Printmaking)
drawers (furniture components)