St. Olaf College 3D object collection ➔ Plaque from wall surrounding Peking

Other: 1918-1924 Single
1 items
Glazed reddish-brown ceramic circular plaque with the image of a dragon impressed on the front. Part of the piece has broken off, and the plaque exhibits a large crack and chips. Two white stickers on the back read, "This plaque donated to St | Olaf College, by Lillian | V. Lundahl, missionary to | China 1918-24 (Approx.) | She purchased this plaque | which came from the Wall | surrounding Peking; the | Wall was demolished by the | Communists, who forced | all Christian Missionaries | out of China. Donated: Feb8 85 | Acc. # 679 3/25/85 [?]".
Archives Work Area ➔ 250J

Lundahl, Lillian V. (related)
plaques (flat objects)