St. Olaf College 3D object collection ➔ Saint Olaf College 125th anniversary crucifix

Religious Artifacts
Event: June 26, 2000 Single
1 items
Metal reproduction crucifix with decorative details and "INRI" impressed in a scroll at the top. A hole is present at the top for hanging. "Zero | DENMARK | MANSTERBESKYTTET | O.W.G. [?]" is impressed on the back.
Archives Work Area ➔ 250J
This crucifix was gifted by Jerold Gjerstad for Saint Olaf College's 125th anniversary, or quasquicentennial, on the occasion of the Saint Olaf College group's visit to the home community of Saint Olaf College's founder, Bernt Julius Muus. The President's Office donated it in the early 2000s.

Gjerstad, Jerold (related)
Muus, B.J. (related)
Office of the President (donor)