St. Olaf College 3D object collection ➔ Reformation 350th anniversary medal

Event: October 31, 1867 Single
1 items
Small silver medal with an engraved scene on the front and the German text, "SIEHE ICH KOMME BALD! HALTE. WAS DU HAST! OFFB. 3.11" and "A.V.S." encircling it. "VIERTHALPHUNDERT | JAEHRIGES | REFORMATIONS | JUBILAEUM | GEFEIERT | VON DEM | AMERIKANISCH | LUTHERISCHEN | ZION | D. 31. OCT. 1867." is written on the back with "GOTTES WORT U.LUTHERS LEHR VERGEHET NUN U. NLMMERMEHR" encircling it. The medal displays some oxidation.
Archives Work Area ➔ 250J
This medal was donated by Forrest Brown, Jr. to the College Archives, along with several other items inside B.J. Muus' cigar humidor. It commemorates the 350th anniversary of the Reformation.

Brown, Jr., Forrest E. (related)