St. Olaf College 3D object collection ➔ Clemens M. Granskou signature stamp

Usage: 1943-1963 Single
1 items
A black wood and rubber hand stamp that prints Clemens M. Granskou's signature. An example of the print is on one side of the stamp. Minor wear is visible on the wood.
Archives Work Area ➔ 250J
This stamp was donated with other items from the President's office by Solveig Steendal, Secretary to the President, in the late 1980s. Clemens M. Granskou was a 1917 graduate of the College and President of Saint Olaf College from 1943 to 1963.

Granskou, Clemens, 1895-1977 (related)
Steendal, Solveig (donor)
Signatures (Writing)
Rubber stamps
College presidents
name stamps