St. Olaf College 3D object collection ➔ St. Olaf College president signature plates

Usage: 1943-1994 Single
8 items
Seven metal signature plates with the Saint Olaf College seal and signatures of Clemens M. Granskou, Stanley Ness, Sidney Rand, Harlan Foss, Melvin George, William Komsi, and Charles Upshaw above either the text "PRESIDENT" or "VICE PRESIDENT - TREASURER". Clemens M. Granskou's signature plate has a black leather cover with an impressed "B" in gold on the front. The plates exhibit some ink stains.
Archives Work Area ➔ 250J
The President's Office donated these signature plates in the late 1990s. Clemens M. Granskou, Sidney A. Rand, Harlan F. Foss, and Melvin D. George were presidents of Saint Olaf College. William Komsi, Stanley Ness, and Charles Upshaw were vice presidents of the College.

George, Melvin D. (related)
Rand, Sidney A. (related)
Foss, Harlan Funston, 1918-1995 (related)
Granskou, Clemens, 1895-1977 (related)
Komsi, William (related)
Upshaw, Charles (related)
Ness, Stanley (related)
Signatures (Writing)
College presidents
name stamps