St. Olaf College 3D object collection ➔ St. Olaf College 1965 class football

Sports Equipment
Usage: 1965 Single
1 items
Autographed football with yellow laces and white stripes. Amongst the signatures reads, "P-CHEM 71 '65 | GAME BALL" and "THIS IS THE BALL WE PUNTED WITH". The football is a Pennant model "VD 809 Professional football".
Archives Work Area ➔ 270 D
Archives Work Area ➔ 250F
An autographed football by class members of P-Chem 71 gifted to Professor Donald Tarr in 1965.

Tarr, Marge (donor)
Tarr, Donald A. (Donald Arthur), 1932-2006 (owner)
footballs (balls for sports)