St. Olaf College 3D object collection ➔ Office of Civil Defense drinking water storage containers

Issued: 1963 Single
2 items
Two cylindrical metal containers in dark green with light green text on the sides that read, "SURVIVAL SUPPLIES | FURNISHED BY | OFFICE OF CIVIL DEFENSE | DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE | DRINKING WATER | 17 1/2 GALLONS". The text also includes directions for filling, dispensing, and reusing as a commode, as well as designates fill lines. The maker's information is printed at the bottom and reads, "MALLEABLE IRON RANGE CO., BEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN".
Archives Work Area ➔ 250G
According to an article in The Manitou Messenger, plans for fallout shelters started in 1961 "when Congress appropriated funds to survey and stock suitable shelter locations with supplies". As of the article's publication, several buildings on campus were considered suitable fallout shelters. These supplies were likely part of the program.

Office of Civil Defense (related)
Malleable Iron Range Co. (creator)
Cold War
Civil defense
Fallout shelters
Survival and emergency rations
water drums