St. Olaf College 3D object collection ➔ Demands of the Slovak Nation 150th anniversary medal gifted to the St. Olaf Orchestra

Event: June 6, 1998 Single
2 items
Maroon case with a medal that reads, "LIPTOVSKY | MIKULÁS" on the front and "ŽIADOSTI SLOVENSKÉHO NÁRODA 10.5.1848 | 1998" on the back. Along with the text, the medal has an image of the city Liptovský Mikuláš's coat of arms, mountains, and buildings on one side, and a column with an eagle on top on the other. "Mayor of the City Liptovský Mikuláš | awards | St. Olaf. Orchestra | North Field, Minnesota | memorable medal dedicated to 150th | Anniversary | of request of the Slovak Nation | 6.6.1998 | Ing. Vladimír Stankonviansky" is printed on the inside of the case.
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This medal was donated by Steve Amundson, St. Olaf Orchestra conductor from 1981 to 2022. The St. Olaf Orchestra performed in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Austria, and Hungary in 1998. That year marked the 150th anniversary of the "Demands of the Slovak Nation", a document created by Slovak activists in 1848 that demanded social and government changes. This document is commemorated in the medal gifted to the St. Olaf Orchestra.

Amundson, Steven (donor)
St. Olaf Orchestra (related)
commemorative medals