St. Olaf College 3D object collection ➔ Sigma Delta event board

Creation: 1917 Single
1 items
A wooden structure in a portico design with a triangular roof, two ionic-style columns on the sides, and a wooden base. The middle has a square indent with a hole in the middle. Inside the triangular roof is colored glass with "SigmaDelta" painted on it in yellow. The back displays a lighting device behind the glass, two holes, and two grooves down the back that partially obscure carved lettering that reads, "D SIGNED | BY | SIGFR D M. AUGE | AND | JOHN M. GGEN. /31/ 7 [?]". The cord from the lighting device exhibits wear.
Archives Work Area ➔ 250F
Archives Work Area ➔ 250F
Steward Thorseon, a 1967 graduate of Saint Olaf College, donated this display board. It was used to showcase upcoming events.

Thoreson, Stewart (donor)
Eggen, John (related)
Hauge, Sigfred (related)
bulletin boards
billboards (site elements)