St. Olaf College 3D object collection ➔ St. Olaf Science Center ground-breaking shovels

Usage: April 15, 1967 Single
2 items
Two metal and wood shovels painted gold and red with writing on the shovel blades that reads, "Ground Breaking | SCIENCE CENTER | St. Olaf College | APRIL 15 | 1967". One shovel has "2 | HEAT | TREATED" on the socket, and the other has "TAPER FORGED | TRUE TEMPER 2 | HEAT TREATED". Both have True Temper maker's marks on the shaft, and one has "BIOLOGY DEPT." impressed over it. One has a note taped to the handle that reads, "Spade used in groundbreaking for Science Center, 4-67." A sticker with "BIOLOGY DEPARTMENT | ST. OLAF COLLEGE | No. " is adhered to one shovel. Paint wear and chipping are visible.
Archives Work Area ➔ 250J
Archives Work Area ➔ 250F

True Temper (creator)
St. Olaf College. Department of Biology (related)