St. Olaf College 3D object collection ➔ Ytterboe Hall cornerstone time capsule

Other: November 6, 1900 Single
Event: June 13, 1997 Single
1 items
Copper-coated steal box with several items inside. "1900 | Jordan Sanmiller, Maker | Henry Lysne | H.A. Boe, Hardware | Ole | Ole A. Lysne" is etched inside the lid. Box exhibits oxidation and corrosion. ; 42 items
Forty-two items inside the copper-coated box, including 18 St. Olaf's School and St. Olaf College catalogs, two United Church Seminary catalogs, two Northfield News newspapers, one Northfield Independent newspaper, one Manitou Messenger booklet, one Det ellevte Aarsmode booklet, one The Christian Youth pamphlet, two Lutheraneren publications, nine books, a St. Olaf College Quarter Centennial Souvenir, one St. Olaf College envelope, one O.G. Felland envelope, one plain envelope, and a handwritten letter. Books include Lindemans Koralbog med Tilloeg, The Church and Sunday School Hymnal, Volrath Vogt's Bible History, Bibelhiftorie, Den Augsbuglke Konfeshon, Explanation of Luther's Small Catechism, Udtog at Dr. Frich Bontoppidens Forflaring, Dr. Martin Luthers lille Katefismus, and Galmebog for Lutherfte Kriftne i Umerifa. Discoloration and damage are visible on some items.
Archives Work Area ➔ 250J
A mounted label with the items reads, "Copper Box from Foundation Stone | of | Ytterboe Hall | Opened June 13, 1997 | The following names were scratched into the lid | of the box, made of steel coated with copper: | 1900 | Jordan Zanmiller, Maker | Henry Lysne | H. A. Boe, Hardware | Ole | Ole A. Lysne". Another label, with a description of the contents, reads, "Contents of the copper box from the Ytterboe Hall Foundation Stone, which was placed there on | November 6, 1900, upon the dedication of the new Ytterboe Hall. The copper box remained in the | foundation stone until May 1997, when the stone was removed from the building. President | Mark U. Edwards and College Archivist Joan Olson opened the box on June 13, 1997, in a box- | opening ceremony in the foyer of Rolvaag Memorial Library."

Olson, Joan, 1933-2015 (related)
Edwards, Mark U., Jr. (related)
Felland, O. G., 1853-1938 (related)
Zanmiller, Jordan (creator)
Lysne, Henry (related)
Boe, H. A. (related)
Lysne, Ole A. (related)
Cornerstone laying
Time capsules
College buildings
time capsules
catalogs (documents)
letters (correspondence)