St. Olaf College 3D object collection ➔ Professor George Spohn's guest bunk bed boards

Usage: 1930s to 1950s Single
11 items
Eleven wood bunk bed boards with signatures, dates, and names of places written and carved into the wood. The boards are numbered on the backs. One board has two rectangular cut-out areas.
Archives Work Area ➔ 250F
Archives Work Area ➔ 250F
These bunk bed boards were from the home of Saint Olaf College alum and professor George Weida Spohn. They were later in the possession of another alum and professor, Hjalmar Lokensgaard. His son and 1968 graduate of the College, Ole Lokensgaard, donated the boards. A few notable names on the boards include the poet Carl Sandburg, author and preceptress of women at the college Georgina Dieson Hegland, and Saint Olaf College faculty Esther Gulbrandson and Nils Flaten. Carl Sandburg signed one of the boards at Professor Sphon's home after lecturing at the college in March of 1935. Along with his name, he wrote: "Look out how you use proud words. St. Olaf 1935".

Sandburg, Carl (related)
Gulbrandson, Esther (related)
Hegland, Georgina Dieson, 1882-1978 (related)
Flaten, Nils, 1867-1947 (related)
Lokensgaard, Ole (donor)
Spohn, George Weida, 1879-1943 (related)
Lokensgaard, Hjalmar O. (related)
bunk beds
wood board