St. Olaf College button and pin collection ➔ St. Olaf 1958 Homecoming buttons

Creation: 1958 Single
2 items
Two yellow, black, and white buttons with an image of two football players, one punching the other. "KNOCK | KNOX!" is written beside the players, and "HELLO ALUMNI" and "ST. OLAF HOMECOMING•1958" circle the rims. Yellow and black ribbons are taped to the backs and hang from the bottoms. "THE MIDWEST BADGE AND NOV. CO. INC. MINNEAPOLIS 16, MINN." is written on the rims.
Archives Work Area ➔ 250J
Archives Work Area ➔ 250F
Archives Work Area ➔ 250F

Midwest Badge and Novelty Co. (creator)
promotional pins
buttons (information artifacts)