St. Olaf College button and pin collection ➔ St. Olaf 1959 Homecoming buttons

Creation: 1959 Single
2 items
Two black, yellow, and white buttons with an image of two incapacitated football players on a ship with the text "PUT KNOX ON THE ROCKS" above and "ST. OLAF HOMECOMING·1959" below. Yellow and black ribbons are taped to the backs and hang from the bottoms. "MIDWEST BADGE & NOVELTY CO. INC. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN." is printed along the rims.
Archives Work Area ➔ 250J
Archives Work Area ➔ 250F
Archives Work Area ➔ 250F
One of these buttons was donated with other items owned by John Sylwester, a 1961 graduate of Saint Olaf College.

Sylwester, John F. (donor)
Midwest Badge and Novelty Co. (creator)
promotional pins
buttons (information artifacts)