St. Olaf College button and pin collection ➔ "Get Their Goat, Oles!" buttons

Event: March 7, 1925 Single
2 items
Two burnt orange buttons with an image of a goat-like figure labeled "CARLETON" with "GET THEIR GOAT, OLES!" above and "March 7 | 1925" below. Two ribbons, black and golden yellow, hang from the bottoms. Western Badge & Novelty Co.'s maker's mark is on the backs. Ribbons display some fraying.
Archives Work Area ➔ 250J
Archives Work Area ➔ 250F
Archives Work Area ➔ 250F
One of these buttons was donated by Karen Junker in 2007. It was part of a group of donated materials belonging to 1927 Saint Olaf College graduates Albert and Esther Iverson.

Junker, Karen (donor)
Iverson, Esther Overlie (related)
Iverson, Albert E. (related)
Western Badge & Novelty Co. (creator)
promotional pins
buttons (information artifacts)