St. Olaf Archives art collection ➔ The College town of Northfield, Minnesota

Creation: late 1920s Single
Other: 1976 Single
5 items
Five prints, including two print reproductions and three original prints of differing sizes, depicting an illustrated map of Northfield, Minnesota. The map is titled "The College Town of Northfield, Minnesota." and was "PRODUCED BY | AM.ASS.UNIV. WOMEN. | DESIGNED BY | STELLA K. GLASSER". One side reads, "The college on the hill", and the other, "Old Carleton's Maize & Blue". "ORIGINAL MAP PRODUCED IN THE LATE 1920'S BY NORTHFIELD BRANCH. AAUW. REPRINTED. 1976. BY NORTHFIELD BRANCH. AAUW FROM PROOFS OF ORIGINAL ZINC ENGRAVING SAVED WHEN THE NORTHFIELD NEWS BURNED IN 1964." is printed at the bottom of the 1976 print reproductions. One reproduction has "Picture map of Nfd. | Sonaine B. Carlson" handwritten on the back. Of the originals, one is mounted on a display board, and two are differing sizes. Prints display discoloration, creasing, marks, and holes.
Archives Work Area ➔ 250J
Archives Work Area ➔ 250G

American Association of University Women (related)
College campuses
maps (documents)