St. Olaf College 3D object collection ➔ Blair-Buntrock-Kittlesen Memorial Chapel plaque

Usage: undated Single
1 items
Wooden plaque with a plastic front that reads "Blair-Buntrock-Kittlesen Memorial Chapel". The plaque also includes five paragraphs about the naming of the chapel after St. Olaf College students Beverley Blair, Joyce Buntrock, and Phyllis (Olson) Kittlesen.
Archives Work Area ➔ 270 D
"On Palm Sunday in 1958 a chapel in Hilleboe Hall was dedicated to honor the memory of three St. Olaf students whose lives had come to an untimely end. Beverly Blair died of a brain tumor in 1954, Joyce Buntrock died in an auto accident in 1953, and Phyllis Olson Kittlesen died in an auto mishap in 1956. The women of Hilleboe Hall designed the chapel and raised the money for it. The walnut for the benches and altar came from the campus and was finished by St. Olaf carpenters." - Dear Old Hill: The Story of Manitou Heights, the Campus of St. Olaf College

Blair, Beverly (related)
Buntrock, Joyce (related)
Kittlesen, Phyllis Olson (related)
commemorative plaques