St. Olaf College 3D object collection ➔ So great a cloud of witnesses

Other: 1980 Single
1 items
A large, round stained glass piece consisting of a Saint Olaf College lion, the College motto, a metal cross, the dates "1874" and "1980", and the last names of notable people related to the College. The piece has two chains connected at the top, with hooks at the ends, to allow for hanging.
Archives Work Area ➔ 250J
Hamm Muus, a 1951 Saint Olaf College graduate and descendant of Saint Olaf College founder B.J. Muus, created this artwork. College students gave this stained glass work to the retiring St. Olaf College Board of Regents Chairman, Oscar Husby, and his wife, Pearl. Muus titled the work "So Great a Cloud of Witnesses". It was donated by the Husby's daughter, Louise Feske.

Feske, Louise (donor)
Muus, Ham (artist)
Husby, Oscar J. (related)
Husby, Pearl (related)
stained glass (visual works)