St. Olaf College 3D object collection ➔ Saint Olaf College Alumni Association pin

Creation: undated Single
1 items
A small round pin, with an image of the Saint Olaf College lion on a crest, with the text "SAINT OLAF COLLEGE | ALUMNI ASSOCIATION" encircling it. The back has a safety clasp. No maker's mark is visible. The pin is housed in a small black velvet case.
Archives Work Area ➔ 250J
This pin was gifted to Rebecca Taibl, the donor and a 1970 graduate of Saint Olaf College, by Georgina Dieson Hegland, a 1904 graduate of and preceptress of women at the College.

Taibl, Rebecca (donor)
Hegland, Georgina Dieson, 1882-1978 (related)
pins (jewelry)