St. Olaf College 3D object collection ➔ Erhardt P. Sylwester St. Olaf College memorabilia board

Handicrafts, Pins, Patches, Paper, Ephemera, Tools
Usage: 1920s-1970s Single
23 items
Wooden board featuring an assortment of St. Olaf College materials related to Erhardt P. Sylwester. The board includes Homecoming buttons, postcards, a felt patch, paper pennants, a pen, paper ephemera, and a pouch containing scientific equipment. The board is upholstered with golden felt.
Archives Work Area ➔ 270 D

Sylwester, Erhardt (related)
Sylwester, John F. (donor)
pins (jewelry)
promotional pins
ribbon (material)
patches (costume accessories)
pens (drawing and writing implements)
ephemera (general object genre)